Q: How does the LogChecker Billing Cycle work?
A: LogChecker subscriptions are calculated and processed on the 15th of each month. LogChecker will tally the total number of active drivers and Non-active drivers that have had work diary pages entered into LogChecker since the last billing cycle. If the 15th of each month falls on a weekend or public holiday, your account will be processed on the next available working day (Monday to Friday).
Q: Will I be charged for Drivers I don’t use?
A: YES – unless you mark the driver “inactive” in the system, you will be charged. Even if there is 1 days worth of work diary pages entered, you will still be charged for that activity. You must mark a driver inactive prior to the 15th of each month if you know that you will not be requiring them during the following month.
Q: What is the minimum cost per month?
A: The minimum cost per month is $30 (plus GST). This amount covers from 1 to 3 drivers. Each additional driver incurs a further subscription cost of $6.00 (plus GST) per month. So for example: 15 drivers would cost $102 (plus GST)
Q: Is there a sample or trial of the software available?
A: Yes, a seven day trial is available from the home page. Just add your details and click on the “Trial” button. Please note that data entered in the trial version is transferable to the live version on request.
Alternately you may wish to commence by subscribing for $33.00 per month. If you are not happy with the product and wish to cease use of it within 2 weeks from initial sign up, we will provide a full refund.
Q: How do I get a full refund if I am not happy with your product?
A: If you are not happy with LC5, please email support@logchecker.com.au for a refund to be enabled. Please note however that we can only credit the original nominated card that was entered upon subscription.
Q: Is there a contract?
A: There is no “locked in” contract. Subscriptions are on a month by month basis with an automated debit to your nominated card on the 15th of each month or the next working day after the 15th.
Q: Can the data I enter be fully and totally retrieved from your internet site?
A: Data remains on our servers. You are welcome to take advantage of the built in reports as they can be an invaluable tool for your management reports, driver training and NCR close out. Logchecker does not have the facility to export your data via Excel of CSV format. If you wish to keep data locally, we suggest running reports and saving via PDF to your computer.
Q: All the States have different interpretations of counting. Which interpretation is LogChecker based on?
A: LogChecker is based on the National Heavy Vehicle Law (NHVL). The rules in relation to work, rest and counting time can be found on the NHVR website. https://www.nhvr.gov.au/
Q: If LogChecker notifies me of a breach or warning, what do I do next?
A: If you are unsure of your responsibilities in this situation, please contact your Fatigue/Compliance Manager, Consultant, Auditor or regulatory authority.
You may contact LogChecker for advice in this area, however this is outside general support and may attract an additional fee.
Q: Does LogChecker cater for Split Rest Breaks?
Under the new HVNL (Heavy Vehicle National Law) “Split Rest Breaks” will be acceptable in all NHVR States. As at October 2013, LogChecker 5 does not currently cater for “Split Rest Breaks”. LC5 caters for national model law only.